Our Games RoadMap

  • Project IO
  • Game 2
  • Game 3
  • Game 4
  • Game 5

"Project IO"

This right here is going to change the future of "Gamings" history. "Project IO" will be a "First Person Shooter" (FPS) for short. "Project IO" is an objective/round base game. "Team 1" has an objective, that objective is planting the bomb for "Team 2" to defuses the bomb, if they still got the time. there will be many challages along the way for both teams to complete and compete.. "Project IO" will have "photorealism graphics", plus with Next Generation "details/modeling tetechniques" and finally I saved the best for last. "Project IO" is going "tooo" change "Esport gaming" forever...!!
*Stay Tunned for more Information*

Game 2

Content will be added soon...

Game 3

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Game 4

Content will be added soon...

Game 5

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